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Massage &
Holistic Treatments

Swedish Massage

A classic massage which is a real stress reliever. This massage helps boost blood and lymph circulation as well as improve muscle tone and ease muscle tension, aches and pains.  Choose light, medium or firm pressure to get the best out of your treatment. 


90 minute full body: £60

60 minute full body: £45

30 minute neck, back & shoulders: £28



Hot Stones Massage

A deeply therapeutic and relaxing massage involving the use of hot basalt stones.  The stones are an extension to the Therapist's hands meaning you enjoy both heat and massage at the same time. The heat penetrates muscle tissue quicker and deeper helping to alleviate aches and pains.  Probably one of the most relaxing treatments of all!


90 minute full body: £65

45 minute neck, back & shoulders: £40














Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage

Also known as 'Kahuna' Massage. This is a deep, slow and rhythmic massage with the Therapist mainly using her forearms and elbows  to provide a deep massage.  Be swept away with this truly special treatment which originated from the beautiful islands of Hawaii!

If you like a deep massage then this is the one for you!


90 minute full body:  £60

60 minute full body: £45

30 minute neck, back & shoulders: £28



Warming Lava Shells Massage

Lava Shells are the world's first self heating massage tools meaning that the relaxing and indulgent warmth experienced in this massage is continuous and flowing.  Deeply relaxing just like a Hot Stones Massage, however the Therapist does not need to keep breaking away from the treatment to change tools due to the shells continuing to stay warm. 


90 minute full body:  £70

30 minute neck, back & shoulders: £38



Pregnancy Massage

A gentle, soothing and nurturing Swedish Massage for the Mumma-to-Be! Your body is going through some huge changes on a physical, mental and hormonal level and, as your baby grows, as does the aches, pains, swelling and general fatigue.  This lovely treatment is performed whilst you lay on your side with pillows to provide you with extra comfort.

(suitable for those who are more than 12 weeks pregnant)


Please consult  with your GP or Midwife before booking this treatment.


60 minute full body (bump not massaged): £45

30 minute neck, back, shoulders: £28



Ultimate 'Back Saving' Massages

If you're struggling with constant back pain and feel that 30 minutes will not be enough then these treatments are for you!

You'll enjoy a whole 60 minutes of two different massage techniques focused entirely on the neck, back and shoulder area. 


Swedish & Lomi Lomi combo: £43

Swedish & Hot Stones combo: £48

Lomi Lomi & Hot Stones combo: £48

Swedish & Warming Lava Shells combo: £53

Lomi Lomi & Warming Lava Shells combo: £53






Indian Head Massage

A real stress reliever! Invigorating and stimulating and fantastic for those who  feel congested in the head area or suffer with headaches and migraines.  In this treatment you will experience massage to the back, shoulders, neck, head and face!  This treatment is performed on the couch for added comfort and relaxation.


60 minute treatment: £43



Holistic Facial Massage

A truly holistic facial treatment which is focused on massaging the facial muscles using a combination of Western, Indian and Japanese techniques.  Your facial muscles being naturally lifted, smoothed and plumped, you will also enjoy facial reflexology and stimulation of acupressure points to help treat and stimulate your entire body and its systems. 


60 minute treatment:  £43




Thai Foot Massage

An ancient therapeutic treatment which is fantastic for tired feet! Dating back to 2000 years ago and originating in China, this highly enjoyable treatment is very popular and now seen everywhere in Thailand. 

This treatment works on the Ayurvedic tradition of 'sen' lines and is thought to stimulate and open these 'energy channels'. You will enjoy plenty of massage to the feet and lower legs, reflexology with a traditional Thai Wooden Stick and Shiatsu style stretching and acupressure.


60 minute treatment:  £43



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